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Real Estate Education in Ontario – OREA vs Humber College?

Adam Ainsworth
Adam Ainsworthhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/DonValleyTimes
I’m a freelance writer exploring motivation, traditional wisdom, peak personal effectiveness, and community building. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and new articles using the link below.

Are you thinking of getting your real estate license in 2019? If so you might be aware that in 2019 real estate education will begin a transition from OREA College to Humber College.

Registration for OREA closes on April 30, 2019. So, if getting your real estate education started is one of your priorities in 2019 you only have about a month left to decide which path to take.

OREA vs. Humber

Since there’s a lot of unknowns about the new program it’s hard to know which pathway to choose. For example, the start date for the new Humber program is not yet known. As stated on the Humber website “More information about the application process will be available in May.”

If you are in a hurry you might want to jump in now before OREA closes registration and take advantage of the existing study support that already exists like PassIt.

If you’re not in a hurry you may want to wait and see what the new program will look like.

But whichever pathway you choose, you’ll need to stick with it since there’s not going to be any transfer of credit courses available between OREA and Humber.

One concern people have had with Humber is whether they’d need to study full-time or part-time at Humber or following a semester timetable. This, however, is not the case.

“Learners will be able to sign up and start their coursework at any point during the year,” “Unlike many of Humber’s post-secondary programs, the Real Estate Salesperson Program will not run on a semester or term basis.” according to the Humber website.

Adam Ainsworth

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