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Urgent Petition To End The Chinese Communist Party Sweeps Across Toronto

Adam Ainsworth
Adam Ainsworthhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/DonValleyTimes
I’m a freelance writer exploring motivation, traditional wisdom, peak personal effectiveness, and community building. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and new articles using the link below.

You might have seen posters about a petition calling to end the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) popping up around Toronto.

End the Chinese Communist Party poster

What is this petition about? From the response to this pandemic, we can see the harmful impact the CCP has caused the world from its lack of transparency and accountability. The actions by the CCP to cover up and silence doctors who tried to warn us about the Wuhan outbreak have harmed many Canadians.

The Chinese Communist Party Lied, Canadians Died

From “under-control” to “human to human transmission” it took nearly 2 months for the CCP and its propaganda machine to change its narrative and admit the seriousness of COVID-19.

On December 1st, 2019, the first confirmed coronavirus patient fell ill and infected 14 healthcare workers. By 3rd January 2020, Wuhan officials had already reported 44 cases.

On January, 14th 2020 the World Health Organization quoted CCP officials, saying no evidence had been found for human-to-human transmission. On 18th January, local CCP leaders held a banquet with 40,000 families, despite rumors of lockdown.

On January, 23rd Wuhan went into lockdown, with all public transportation suspended. But, international flights were still allowed to operate. Five million residents left Wuhan before the lockdown.

Presently, the CCP’s initial cover-up has caused a global pandemic. We are warned that a second wave is to come.

The CCP also lobbied the WHO to change the name of the virus to COVID-19 to deflect attention away from the origin in Wuhan and those responsible for the global pandemic.

This pandemic could have been prevented if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was transparent. Yet, ever since it took over China, hundreds of millions of people have been suffering from its endless deceptions and brutality. The CCP has plundered the ancient land of China, and now its terror has spread globally, affecting everyone. It is time for all of us to reject its crimes and put an end to the Chinese Communist Party!

Petition to End The Chinese Communist Party Background

In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seized power in China by promising Chinese people to build a “Heaven on Earth”. Over 70 years, it is estimated that about 100 million Chinese people have died tragically in various campaigns and revolutions initiated by the CCP, more than the total number of abnormal deaths in Chinese history.

Karl Marx, the father of communism, wrote in a poem, “my soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell.” Since taking over China, the CCP has caused hellish suffering for hundreds of millions of people, with its endless deceptions and brutality.

The truth is, the CCP does not represent Chinese people, it persecutes them. This is not the first time in recent years there’s been a medical emergency in China. Organ harvesting has been extensively reported by a team of Canadian investigators.

This pandemic coronavirus could have been prevented if the CCP did not lie. The CCP has plundered the ancient land of China, and now its terror has spread around the world, affecting everyone. It is time for us all to reject its evil work and put an end to the Chinese Communist Party.

However, in the last 30 years, people from the west have contributed to the regime’s censorship and surveillance technology, in effect, contributing to the CCP’s control and persecution of Chinese people. At the same time, the CCP has also penetrated heavily into western countries. The real story of Huawei is just one example.

The fundamental cure for the pandemic is to uphold moral principles instead of drifting with the tide and colluding.

Sign the petition to end the Chinese Communist Party and help save the world from the tyranny and domination of the CCP.

Adam Ainsworth

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