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2018 Install of New Brian Village Fitness Route Complete

Adam Ainsworth
Adam Ainsworthhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/DonValleyTimes
I’m a freelance writer exploring motivation, traditional wisdom, peak personal effectiveness, and community building. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and new articles using the link below.

The Brian Village Fitness Route project saw new developments this week.  At each of the five stations, fitness equipment was set in the ground.  The report below gives an overview of the equipment available at each location. 

The five-station circuit is a 3.75 km route spread throughout the Pleasant View neighborhood. Each station has different equipment spread throughout different sections of public park space. 

In an earlier post, we showed what station 4 looked like before the equipment was installed. 

The multi-station design encourages people to walk, run or bike around the neighborhood to get a complete workout as each station offers different exercise possibilities.

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A blue city of Toronto sign shows where you are on the map and the distance to the next fitness station.  

Each station also has a TrekFit exercise guide that includes illustrated instructions.

It looks like the next step will be to pour the finishing over the equipment to secure it in place. If we’re lucky there’ll be time for an outdoor workout before the snow covers the ground. 

Brian Village Fitness Route Equipment Overview

Van Horne Park – Station 1: 3 multi-level push-up bars, and 3 Short Benches 12″ 17″ 22″

Brian Village Fitness Route Station 1
Van Horne Park, Station 1

 Pleasantview Park – Station 2: Monkey Bars, Long Bench

Brian Village Fitness Route Station 2
Pleasantview Park, Station 2

Muirhead Park – Station 3: Triple pull-up bar, Dip Station, 3 Vault Bars, 6 Hurdles

IMG 7626
Muirhead Park, Station 3

Old Sheppard Park – Station 4: Climbing rope and balance beam. 

IMG 2446
Old Sheppard Park, Station 4

Clydesdale Park – Station 5: has a long bench, 2 vault bars, and parallel bars. 

IMG 1488
Clydesdale Park, Station 5 of Brian Village Fitness Route
Adam Ainsworth

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