The fitness route in Brian Village is the provides endless possibilities for a unique total body fitness challenge. 

You can get a total body workout by climbing a rope, doing some incline push-ups, walking across a curved balance beam. Then run over to the next station 800 meters away, lung on the multi-level benches, do pull ups on the monkey bars, jump over a vault bar and do some dips.

Located in the Pleasant View neighbourhood in north east Toronto, you now see people doing pull-ups and other bodyweight exercises on outdoor fitness equipment all the time.

New Fitness Route in Brian Village Now Open

A new Trekfit total body fitness challenge awaits residents of Brian Village, no matter the fitness level, and without having to go to a gym.

Whether you’re into calisthenics or looking for a new total body workout this fitness circuit has something for everyone.

“Each panel has specific exercises that are matched to each fitness park so you get a full body work out and not overextend one muscle group.”

TrekFit representative

The quality outdoor fitness equipment by TrekFit is now available at 5 local parks throughout Brian Village.

Construction started in September and wrapped up in early November. To see a summary of what equipment is at each station visit our earlier post:  Install of Brian Village Fitness Route Underway

A Complete list of equipment installed at the Brian Village Fitness Route is listed below.

1Push-Up Bars (triple)
1Short Bench 12″ 17″ 22″
1Monkey Bars
2Long Bench
1Pull-Up Bars (triple)
1Hurdles (6)
6Vault Bar
1Dip Station
1Rope Climbing
1Balance Beam
1Parallel Bars
3Information Panel (double)
2Information Panel (single)
Adam Ainsworth
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Adam Ainsworth
I’m a freelance writer exploring motivation, traditional wisdom, peak personal effectiveness, and community building. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and new articles using the link below.


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