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Fun New Playground in Old Sheppard Park Revealed

Adam Ainsworth
Adam Ainsworthhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/DonValleyTimes
I’m a freelance writer exploring motivation, traditional wisdom, peak personal effectiveness, and community building. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and new articles using the link below.

Plans for a new playground in Old Sheppard Park in Pleasant View Toronto on the evening of September 15, 2020.

The City is improving the playground and Shelley Carroll and her team were onsite providing the community with project details and seeking feedback.

Plans of New Playground in Old Sheppard Park

old sheppard park playground plans

The Old Sheppard Park Playground update is scheduled for construction in the spring and summer of 2021.

After speaking Shelley Carroll invited questions and feedback from constituents while following COVID-19 protocols.

Adam Ainsworth

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