-6.3 C

New Muirhead Park Pull-Up Bars in Pleasant View Toronto

Adam Ainsworth
Adam Ainsworthhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/DonValleyTimes
I’m a freelance writer exploring motivation, traditional wisdom, peak personal effectiveness, and community building. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and new articles using the link below.

With gyms shut down due to the pandemic the Muirhead Park pull-up bars offer a great outdoor total body workout.

Located at the northern section of the part, opposite the baseball field, where Edmonton Rd meets Endsleigh Crescent.

The Muirhead Park pull-up bars are part of the Brian Village Fitness Route, a 3.4km circuit of calisthenic fitness stations located throughout the neighbourhood.

The Brian Village Fitness Route was inspired by the Bellbury Park pilot project to bring outdoor calisthenics equipment to Toronto neighbourhoods.

There are three different height pull-up bars at this location, making it more accessible for all ages and fitness levels.

Map of Muirhead Park Pull-Up Bars

Muirhead Park Fitness Route Map
IMG 7626
Muirhead Park Pull-Up Bars in Pleasant View Toronto when it was under construction in 2018.
Adam Ainsworth

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